Parallel Sessions C

Universities and the Geography of Innovation III

Room: Energy Hall 3
Chair: Frank Neffke – Harvard University, United States
Randi Elizabeth Taxt – University of Bergen, Norway
Inger Beate Pettersen
Øystein Stavø Høvig
The entrepreneurial role of TTO innovation leaders in the teams of academic spin-offs
Kwadwo Atta-Owusu – University of Stavanger, Norway
Rune Dahl Fitjar
Promoting engagement: effect of individual motivation, organizational fairness and place attachment on academics’ interaction with external actors
Daniel Prokop – Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Robert Huggins
Gillian Bristow
The success of spinout companies in university networks: the processes of connectedness and filtration

OECD Policy Session: Innovation Diffusion, Industrial Landscape and Spatial Productivity

Room: Opportunity
Chair: Alexandra Tsvetkova – OECD, France
Elvira Uyarra – Manchester Business School, United Kingdom
Laura Pedron – Autonomous Province of Trento Labour Agency,
Alessandra Faggian – GSSI – Gran Sasso Science Institute
Kjartan Lindland – Rogaland County Council, Norway

Green and Sustainable Innovation I

Room: Share 1
Chair: Roberta Rabellotti – University of Pavia & University of Aalborg, Italy
Anne Tanner – Technical University of Denmark
Eun Kyung Park
Fransesco Rosati
Eric Iversen
Christian Richter Østergaard
Regional Mechanisms of Diversifying into Green Technologies: Which Factors Influence Start-up and Incumbent Driven Green Diversification
Allan Andersen – TIK, University of Oslo, Norway
Markus Bugge
Markus Steen
Cross-sectoral Dynamics for Accelerating Sustainability Transitions: The Case of Electrifying Maritime Transport
Jens Horbach – Augsburg University of Applied Science, Germany The Importance of Regional Spill-over Effects for Eco-Innovations in German Start-ups
Sebastian Losacker – University of Hanover, Germany
Ingo Liefner
Environmental Innovation and Regional Lead Markets

Mobility of Workers, Relatedness and the Geography of Innovation I

Room: Focus
Chair: Neave O’Clery – University College London, United Kingdom
César Hidalgo – Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI), France
Bogang Jun
Edward Glaeser
Cristian Jara-Figueroa
The role of industry-specific, occupation-specific, and location-specific knowledge in the growth and survival of new firms
Ritu George Kaliaden – Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) Spatial practices of leisure among highly skilled migrants in peripheral cities: preliminaryoverview of literature and gaps
Jeroen Content – PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Netherlands
Anet Weterings
Mark Thissen
Koen Frenken
Which value chain networks matter most for regional industrial path development?
Rosina Moreno – University of Barcelona – AQR, Spain
Ron Boschma
Ernest Miguelez
Diego Ocampo
Breakthrough Patents and Technological Relatedness

Innovation and Regional Economic Development I

Room: Confidence
Chair: Arne Isaksen – University of Agder, Norway
d’Artis Kancs – European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Belgium
Olga Ivanova
Mark Thissen
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Investment Impacts on the Regional Economic Growth: EU Economic Modelling System
Inga Ivanova – Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher Sc, Russia
Loet Leydesdorff
The Relation between Complexity and Synergy in the Case of China: How to Predict GDP in a Complex and Adaptive System?
Gloria Cicerone – GSSI – Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy Roberto Basile Lelio Iapadre Economic Complexity and Regional Labor Productivity Growth: Evidence from Italy
Daniel Straulino – University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Neave O’Clery
Sid Ravinutala
Eduardo Lora
Inferring Crop Similarity via Machine Learning

Innovation Policy for Regions and Countries III

Room: Concentrate
Chair: Lars Mewes – Leibniz University Hanover, Germany
Ron Boschma – Utrecht University, The Netherlands Pierre-Alexandre Balland The Impact of Inter-regional Linkages on Regional Diversification in the EU in the Context of Smart Specialization
Stefano Basilico – Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany
Uwe Cantner
Holger Graf
Policy Influence in the Knowledge Space: a Regional Application
Nina Hjertvikrem – University of Stavanger, Norway The Evolution of a Government Funded Network
Attila Varga – University of Pecs, Hungary
Norbert Szabó
Tamás Sebestyén
Economic Impact Estimation of Smart Specialization Policy

Proximity and Innovation I

Room: Attention
Chair: Martina Neuländtner – AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Sarah Franz – University of Gothenburg, Sweden Proximity dynamics: Informing the process of business model innovation in Asian emerging markets
Fabio Montobbio Geographical distance puzzle in patent citations: intensive versus extensive margins
Emil Evenhuis – PBL – Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, United Kingdom
Richard Harris
John Moffat
Ron Martin
Andy Pike Peter Sunley
The Effect of Spatial Proximity on R&D and Innovation: Evidence from British Advanced Manufacturing

The Evolution of Technology I

Room: Share 2
Chair: Tom Broekel – University of Stavanger Business School, Norway
Adam Whittle – University College Dublin, Ireland
Baláz Lengyel
Dieter Kogler
Understanding Regional Branching Using Inventor Collaboration Networks
Louis Knüpling – Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany Knowledge Spaces and the Measurement of Technological Relationship
Koen Frenken – Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development,Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Alje Van Dam
Probing Policy with Percolation: Towards a Theoretical Model of Related Diversification
Dario Diodato – Harvard University, United States
Andrea Morrison
Technological regimes and the geography of innovation: a long-run perspective on US inventions

The Uneven Geography of Innovation I

Room: Initiative
Chair: Andrés Rodríguez-Pose – London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Francesco Quatraro – University of Torino, Italy
Davide Consoli
Fabrizio Fusillo
Resilience, Skill Endowment and Diversity: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas
Pierre-Alexandre Balland – URU – Utrecht University, The Netherlands Complex economic activities concentrate in large cities
Joan Crespo – Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Spain
Jesús Peiró
Pierre-Alexander Balland
Concentration and dispersion of technological innovation in the long-run (1860-2010): the case of American cities
Michael Fritsch – Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Michael Wyrwich
Is Innovation (increasingly) concentrated in Large Cities? An international comparison

Work-life, Digitisation and Automation

Room: Energy Hall 1
Chair: Bjorn Asheim – University of Stavanger, Norway
Jacob Rubæk Holm – Aalborg University, Denmark
Edward Lorenz
Allan Næs Gjerding
Jørgen Stamhus
Why local firms adopt new technologies: How regional institutional differences and differences in industry structure condition the adoption of new technology by local firms
Laszlo Czaller – Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Balazs Lengyel
Rikard Eriksson
Hyejin Youn
Automation, structural change and labor mobility
Teresa Farinha – Utrecht University, The Netherlands Your neighbours determine your employability: Epidemic modeling of job automaton in U.S. cities

Responsible Innovation, Social Innovation and Inclusive Growth I

Room: Bouvet
Chair: Huong Nguyen – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Raj Kumar Thapa – University of Stavanger / GenØK, Norway
Tatiana Iakovleva
Paul Benneworth
Responsible Regional innovation Policy in an age of digitalisation: Reflection from Regional Care Technology Clusters
José Antonio Belso Martínez – University Miguel Hernández, Spain
Isabel Diéz-Vial
Social innovation and corporate responsibility in mature clusters: the role leading firms in globalized countries
David Bole – ZRC SAZU, Slovenia
Jani Kozina
Jernej Tiran
Industrial culture as an agent of social innovations in industrial towns. Case study of Velenje, Slovenia


  • University of Stavanger - Norway


  • Lyse Energi
  • Research Council of Norway
  • stavanger kommune
GEOINNO2020 is over. Thank you all 411 who came to Stavanger for these three days!